About us

Forum for exchange and demonstration of synergy, the Center supports the actions of its members and of the sustainable development movement by putting its expertise towards their expansion.
The Center is operated by a team of passionate employees who are committed to putting their skills to the service of sustainable development. Working with you and behind the scenes, they are the ones tending to the Center’s mission.

Board members
The Center’s members are renters of the building which they collectively own. Many of their representatives are board members of the non-profit organization.
The Center can count on precious partners who participate through their contribution to the socioecological transition here, in Quebec.

Policies and annual reports
Support the Center
The Center for sustainable development is home to organizations who make our society a better place. By supporting the Center, you are also supporting its members, their mission and their activities.

Ecological footprint of the website
During our website’s redesign, we committed to reducing our ecological footprint. We took concrete mesures to optimize its loading and, in turn, reduce our energy usage.
- We limited the number of request and pages, which enables a seamless navigation and reduce the bandwidth consumption.
- We used advanced techniques to compress our images without compromising their visual quality, thus reducing the site’s loading times and size.
By visiting our website, you are contributing to our environnemental mission by supporting an organization that integrates durability in its digital development.
A special thank you to Atypic for their support and precious collaboration in this project.