Services connected to people

Today’s world is more connected than ever. To extend its sustainable development mission, the Center for sustainable development offers responsible IT services, operated by the social economy enterprise Mutualit’.   

We can help reduce your company’s environmental and social footprint in the IT field through a diversified offering with a personalized and human focused consulting service. 

Our service offering

Managed services

Our team is here to manage and coordinate all your IT needs.   

  • User support: Support and guidance for your equipment, office applications and inventory management. 
  • Systems administration: Monitoring, updating and administration of your servers and infrastructure equipment. 
  • IT management (virtual CIO): Consulting services, IT policies, IT investment plans and project management. 

We’ll diagnose your cybersecurity situation to pinpoint your needs.

  • Analysis of your practices and the state of your IT infrastructure. 
Responsible hosting

Secure your data with our high-quality hosting services, tailored to your needs. 

  • Websites
  • Domains
  • Servers 
Responsible purchasing

Our purchasing strategy is based on local sourcing criteria, with suppliers having to respect a sustainable development philosophy. Environmental, social and economic criteria are integrated into our purchasing processes for all IT hardware and cloud application services.